Hello colleagues!

Thank you for your patience as we’ve been building ELLA. We wanted to give you a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that allows you to explore the possibilities and give us some clear feedback. It’s by no means a final product but we’re pretty pleased with how ELLA is coming along.

The core purpose of ELLA is to make the professional learning experience deeply meaningful and the administration process surprisingly light so that teachers can achieve their goals more quickly than ever before.

We’ve been in discussions with BoSTES and several providers, all of whom were positive about the potential of ELLA to connect teachers with great learning experiences. Over the next few weeks we’ll be signing up more providers so that their events are listed and available for you. We’ll also start sending out digests of recommended courses based on your preferences.

We are confident that very soon, ELLA will have evolved to a point where we can release it to the wider education community and see it in action. For now, we’re asking a dedicated few to try it out and let us know what you think. We want to make it a service that really does work for you.

Here’s a quick video to help you get around this release:

Once you’ve had a look around, spend a few minutes giving us your thoughts via this survey: http://goo.gl/forms/ZsgXGfGFia

If you have any questions please get in touch with us, otherwise we look forward to hearing from you through the feedback form and in conversations.

Kind regards

Matt & Atul

Co-Founders of ELLA


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